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- /* Low level TCP routines:
- * control block management
- * sequence number logical operations
- * state transitions
- * RTT cacheing
- * garbage collection
- *
- * Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "internet.h"
- #include "tcp.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- /* TCP connection states */
- char *Tcpstates[] = {
- "",
- "Closed",
- "Listen",
- "SYN sent",
- "SYN received",
- "Established",
- "FIN wait 1",
- "FIN wait 2",
- "Close wait",
- "Last ACK",
- "Closing",
- "Time wait"
- };
- /* TCP closing reasons */
- char *Tcpreasons[] = {
- "Normal",
- "Reset/Refused",
- "Timeout", /* Not actually used */
- "ICMP" /* Not actually used */
- };
- struct tcb *Tcbs; /* Head of control block list */
- int16 Tcp_mss = DEF_MSS; /* Maximum segment size to be sent with SYN */
- int32 Tcp_irtt = DEF_RTT; /* Initial guess at round trip time */
- int Tcp_trace; /* State change tracing flag */
- int Tcp_syndata;
- struct tcp_rtt Tcp_rtt[RTTCACHE];
- struct mib_entry Tcp_mib[] = {
- "tcpRtoAlgorithm", 4, /* Van Jacobsen's algorithm */
- "tcpRtoMin", 0, /* No lower bound */
- "tcpRtoMax", MAXINT32, /* No upper bound */
- "tcpMaxConn", -1L, /* No limit */
- "tcpActiveOpens", 0,
- "tcpPassiveOpens", 0,
- "tcpAttemptFails", 0,
- "tcpEstabResets", 0,
- "tcpCurrEstab", 0,
- "tcpInSegs", 0,
- "tcpOutSegs", 0,
- "tcpRetransSegs", 0,
- NULLCHAR, 0, /* Connection state goes here */
- "tcpInErrs", 0,
- "tcpOutRsts", 0,
- };
- /* Look up TCP connection
- * Return TCB pointer or NULLTCB if nonexistant.
- * Also move the entry to the top of the list to speed future searches.
- */
- struct tcb *
- lookup_tcb(conn)
- register struct connection *conn;
- {
- register struct tcb *tcb;
- struct tcb *tcblast = NULLTCB;
- for(tcb=Tcbs;tcb != NULLTCB;tcblast = tcb,tcb = tcb->next){
- /* Yet another structure compatibility hack */
- if(conn->remote.port == tcb->conn.remote.port
- && conn->local.port == tcb->conn.local.port
- && conn->remote.address == tcb->conn.remote.address
- && conn->local.address == tcb->conn.local.address){
- if(tcblast != NULLTCB){
- /* Move to top of list */
- tcblast->next = tcb->next;
- tcb->next = Tcbs;
- Tcbs = tcb;
- }
- return tcb;
- }
- }
- return NULLTCB;
- }
- /* Create a TCB, return pointer. Return pointer if TCB already exists. */
- struct tcb *
- create_tcb(conn)
- struct connection *conn;
- {
- register struct tcb *tcb;
- struct tcp_rtt *tp;
- if((tcb = lookup_tcb(conn)) != NULLTCB)
- return tcb;
- tcb = (struct tcb *)callocw(1,sizeof (struct tcb));
- ASSIGN(tcb->conn,*conn);
- tcb->state = TCP_CLOSED;
- tcb->cwind = tcb->mss = Tcp_mss;
- tcb->ssthresh = 65535;
- if((tp = rtt_get(tcb->conn.remote.address)) != NULLRTT){
- tcb->srtt = tp->srtt;
- tcb->mdev = tp->mdev;
- } else {
- tcb->srtt = Tcp_irtt; /* mdev = 0 */
- }
- /* Initialize timer intervals */
- set_timer(&tcb->timer,tcb->srtt);
- tcb->timer.func = tcp_timeout;
- tcb->timer.arg = tcb;
- tcb->next = Tcbs;
- Tcbs = tcb;
- return tcb;
- }
- /* Close our TCB */
- void
- close_self(tcb,reason)
- register struct tcb *tcb;
- int reason;
- {
- struct reseq *rp1;
- register struct reseq *rp;
- if(tcb == NULLTCB)
- return;
- stop_timer(&tcb->timer);
- tcb->reason = reason;
- /* Flush reassembly queue; nothing more can arrive */
- for(rp = tcb->reseq;rp != NULLRESEQ;rp = rp1){
- rp1 = rp->next;
- free_p(rp->bp);
- free((char *)rp);
- }
- tcb->reseq = NULLRESEQ;
- setstate(tcb,TCP_CLOSED);
- }
- /* Sequence number comparisons
- * Return true if x is between low and high inclusive,
- * false otherwise
- */
- int
- seq_within(x,low,high)
- register int32 x,low,high;
- {
- if(low <= high){
- if(low <= x && x <= high)
- return 1;
- } else {
- if(low >= x && x >= high)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- seq_lt(x,y)
- register int32 x,y;
- {
- return (long)(x-y) < 0;
- }
- #ifdef notdef
- int
- seq_le(x,y)
- register int32 x,y;
- {
- return (long)(x-y) <= 0;
- }
- #endif /* notdef */
- int
- seq_gt(x,y)
- register int32 x,y;
- {
- return (long)(x-y) > 0;
- }
- int
- seq_ge(x,y)
- register int32 x,y;
- {
- return (long)(x-y) >= 0;
- }
- void
- setstate(tcb,newstate)
- register struct tcb *tcb;
- register int newstate;
- {
- register char oldstate;
- oldstate = tcb->state;
- tcb->state = newstate;
- if(Tcp_trace)
- printf("TCB %lx %s -> %s\n",ptol(tcb),
- Tcpstates[oldstate],Tcpstates[newstate]);
- /* Update MIB variables */
- switch(oldstate){
- case TCP_CLOSED:
- if(newstate == TCP_SYN_SENT)
- tcpActiveOpens++;
- break;
- case TCP_LISTEN:
- if(newstate == TCP_SYN_RECEIVED)
- tcpPassiveOpens++;
- break;
- case TCP_SYN_SENT:
- if(newstate == TCP_CLOSED)
- tcpAttemptFails++;
- break;
- switch(newstate){
- case TCP_CLOSED:
- case TCP_LISTEN:
- tcpAttemptFails++;
- break;
- }
- break;
- switch(newstate){
- case TCP_CLOSED:
- case TCP_LISTEN:
- tcpEstabResets++;
- break;
- }
- tcpCurrEstab--;
- break;
- }
- if(newstate == TCP_ESTABLISHED || newstate == TCP_CLOSE_WAIT)
- tcpCurrEstab++;
- if(tcb->s_upcall)
- (*tcb->s_upcall)(tcb,oldstate,newstate);
- switch(newstate){
- case TCP_SYN_RECEIVED: /***/
- /* Notify the user that he can begin sending data */
- if(tcb->t_upcall)
- (*tcb->t_upcall)(tcb,tcb->window - tcb->sndcnt);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Round trip timing cache routines.
- * These functions implement a very simple system for keeping track of
- * network performance for future use in new connections.
- * The emphasis here is on speed of update (rather than optimum cache hit
- * ratio) since rtt_add is called every time a TCP connection updates
- * its round trip estimate.
- */
- void
- rtt_add(addr,rtt)
- int32 addr; /* Destination IP address */
- int32 rtt;
- {
- register struct tcp_rtt *tp;
- int32 abserr;
- if(addr == 0)
- return;
- tp = &Tcp_rtt[(unsigned short)addr % RTTCACHE];
- if(tp->addr != addr){
- /* New entry */
- tp->addr = addr;
- tp->srtt = rtt;
- tp->mdev = 0;
- } else {
- /* Run our own SRTT and MDEV integrators, with rounding */
- abserr = (rtt > tp->srtt) ? rtt - tp->srtt : tp->srtt - rtt;
- tp->srtt = ((AGAIN-1)*tp->srtt + rtt + (AGAIN/2)) >> LAGAIN;
- tp->mdev = ((DGAIN-1)*tp->mdev + abserr + (DGAIN/2)) >> LDGAIN;
- }
- }
- struct tcp_rtt *
- rtt_get(addr)
- int32 addr;
- {
- register struct tcp_rtt *tp;
- if(addr == 0)
- return NULLRTT;
- tp = &Tcp_rtt[(unsigned short)addr % RTTCACHE];
- if(tp->addr != addr)
- return NULLRTT;
- return tp;
- }
- /* TCP garbage collection - called by storage allocator when free space
- * runs low. The send and receive queues are crunched. If the situation
- * is red, the resequencing queue is discarded; otherwise it is
- * also crunched.
- */
- void
- tcp_garbage(red)
- int red;
- {
- register struct tcb *tcb;
- struct reseq *rp,*rp1;
- for(tcb = Tcbs;tcb != NULLTCB;tcb = tcb->next){
- mbuf_crunch(&tcb->rcvq);
- mbuf_crunch(&tcb->sndq);
- for(rp = tcb->reseq;rp != NULLRESEQ;rp = rp1){
- rp1 = rp->next;
- if(red){
- free_p(rp->bp);
- free((char *)rp);
- } else {
- mbuf_crunch(&rp->bp);
- }
- }
- if(red)
- tcb->reseq = NULLRESEQ;
- }
- }